Friday, November 10, 2023

My Swirling Brain and the North/South Nodes

It's morning on a gorgeous, sunny November day in Los Angeles. Allow me to take you inside my brain for a moment, and introduce you to just a few of the thoughts that swirl around as I try to decide what to get working on today. 

It goes something like this... I should be doing my sketchbook art.  No, I need to make jewelry for my event this weekend.  My customers want to see something new.  No, I need to photograph and list the jewelry I already have.  No, I promised my mentor I would write my Mission Statement this week.  But wait, first I should send out a newsletter.  How will my customers know where to find me?  No, wait, I'm supposed to be looking for grant money.  So I can pay off my art coaching program.  And frame the twenty two pieces in my "Water Spirit" series.  So I can find representation and have a one woman show.  Which reminds me,  I'm supposed to get working on my PDF portfolio.  But wait, I should go downtown because I need some pearls drilled for the weekend...

Get the idea?  

So what did I do to quiet down all that noise?  I meditated.  At first I thought I would chant, which I've taken a liking to.  But even that felt too noisy at the moment.  So I just closed my eyes and sat there in silence for 15 minutes.  And you know what came up?  Swirling fuchsia behind my eyelids.  And the message to write this blog post, in which I feel compelled to talk about the fact that I'm a North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus in the 12th house.  

"Basilica di San Marco", Venice, Italy Sketch by Linda Queally

"What???" you say.  "What kind of Astrological mumbo jumbo is that?"  And it sounds suspiciously like you are further deflecting from above mentioned swirling list (kind of like doing the dishes, or washing your hair or taking a nap) by bringing this up.  But let me explain.  The North Node is supposed to reveal our highest path to growth in this lifetime.  And for me, I believe it includes sharing the things I've been learning, in the hopes it may help you on your path as well.   So here goes... What this placement means for me, is that I've already mastered security and comfort in other lifetimes (Taurus in the 6th house, my South Node), and my goal in this lifetime is to step away from over reliance on the physical and learn the energy of risk, transformation, change and the unknown, as well as to dive into my subconscious mind to see what's going on in there, and develop my intuition (Scorpio in the 12th House, my North Node).  By the way, I think my sketch of the candles at the Basilica di San Marco in Venice from earlier this year pictured here captures a bit of that intrigue I have with mysticism.  

Those who really know me will say....  "Well, that explains a few things".  

Learning this placement in my Natal Chart has given me comfort and insight into why I have been so drawn to challenge and upheaval in this lifetime.  And why I chose to let go of possessions and a secure job, trading the known for a nomadic artist's life of travel, adventure, and the unknown.  For a long time I just thought "What's WRONG with me?  Why can't I just be normal?"  

"Just Looking", 20"x16", Mixed Media on Claybord by Linda Queally

It actually became the subject of "Just Looking",  a self portrait I did in 2018, pictured here.  I portrayed myself as a Mermaid peering into a window where perhaps I was curiously observing a more orderly and secure lifestyle, a place in which I ultimately knew I didn't belong.  My piece expressed my personal journey in that moment, which I am more aware of than ever is the purpose of my art.

So instead of looking outside for the answers, I've come to understand it's an inside job.  My 12th House energy gets louder and louder, revealing itself in my insatiable urge to immerse myself in the study of spirituality, philosophy and mysticism.  I devour books and spend countless hours with Youtube videos and Podcasts about interpreting the Tarot, reading the Akashic Records, Astrology, Channeling, Near Death Experiences, Meditation, Buddhist Chanting, the life of Yogis, Psychic Mediumship, Star Seeds, opening the "Clairs", Past Life Regression and just about anything else I can get my hands on.

Discovering and embracing this placement has given me purpose, joy and hope!  I know I am walking the path towards my highest and best good in this lifetime, where it manifests in both my art, and in my ability to inspire others to be brave and walk their true path as well.  

So for today, I hope that maybe this piques your interest in uncovering the reasons that you are drawn in certain directions.  You may already be on your own highest path in this lifetime and not even see it, because you are so busy questioning it, fighting it, or listening to what others may think is right for you.

You may even want to do your own Natal chart.  There are several sites on the internet where you can do one for free.  You just need to enter your exact birthdate, time and place of birth.  You can find your own North/South Node, which could provide some AHA moments for you, helping you to start unconditionally loving those parts of yourself that you once thought were wrong, but turns out are really divinely, perfectly right. 

And finally, let's go back to the beginning and talk for a moment about how this all relates to that whirling, swirling list I mentioned earlier.  My spiritual practices have helped me to know how to quiet my mind, and then make choices on how to use my time that continue to move me to my highest purpose, one step at a time, using both my art and my writing to gain clarity to better explain what, why and how I create, thus raising my own frequency, which in turn will help raise your frequency as well!!  Now that's a real win win!!  And that's why I'm here.

With Love and Light,




Saturday, October 7, 2023

On Art and Channeling

It's October 7, 2023, and it's around 8am.  A group of my paintings are lined up in front of me on the floor.

Sipping my coffee, I stare at them, and they stare back at me.  Silently.  Clearly they asked to be brought into this world.  Like my own children, I was a channel for them.  Are they a part of me?  Or are they through me, but not of me?

Here they sit.  Patiently observing me.  Asking "Now what"?  

In 2020, during the summer of the pandemic, I had a spiritual awakening.   My "Mermaid with a Pink Lotus" (a self portrait of my higher self) and my "Protector" (literally),  the first two pieces, were born during that time. 

I wasn't living alone, though, and my soul was crying out.

So in October of 2020 I retreated to the desert, where I was to spend most of the next nine months in solitude. And it was there that the paintings came one after another, starting in December.  The idea would come in a dream or meditation, and I would be guided by an inner voice, loud and clear, to books, to materials at the art store, and even to a nearby lake to observe the color of the water. 

"Oshun", then "Yemaya", then "Conversation with a Mermaid", then "Gaia", then "Shango" arrived,  each one revealing themselves day by day as I worked.  

Suddenly I understood how movies are made and concertos are written.  How singers can get on stage in front of thousands of people.  How to step aside and let spirit flow through.  Like magic.  Looking back now I realize that during the pandemic, when the world stood still, and I was relieved of the pressure of going out to sell, I was given the rare gift of the freedom to take time simply and exclusively to go within.


The tears flow now as I write this, reliving with great gratitude the profoundness of that experience.  Above are the seven paintings, photographed together in Green Valley, Arizona at the end of my stay in June of 2021.

I knew it was time to return to Los Angeles to ground and integrate what I had learned in the desert.  If I stayed too long, I could lose myself there.  So just like that my crown closed, and along with it, the channel.

Why did these beings come through?  I thought at the time that I was meant to reach many people with this work.  Perhaps that's still true.  Or was it just to teach me with absolute certainty what it feels like to channel, and set the stage for the next experience?  

And what about the originals?  Is there someone out there that is supposed to share in the sacred magic by putting one of these special beings on their own wall?  How do I reach them?  Where do I find them?

This, my friends, is the journey of an artist...

With Love and Light,


Friday, August 11, 2023

The Joy of Embellishing

Some Thoughts on Embellishing...

One day over coffee, I was talking with a dear artist friend of mine about our mutual love of pearls.  She suddenly blurted out "Why don't you sew pearls on your paintings?".  I looked at her like she was from another planet (she probably is) and hastily replied "I can't do that!  I paint on Claybord, and I LOVE painting on Claybord.  For sure you can't get a needle through that!"

But when I got home, I remembered the eight 16"x20" giclee prints on canvas I had just randomly had made of some of my Mermaid and Merman paintings.  Hmmm.... for some reason!!  
Why not give it try with those canvas prints?
And so it began.

I got to work.  The prints definitely needed some vibrancy, so first I did some painting on top of the print.  When satisfied, I sealed it with two coats of medium to add sheen and protect the surface.

Then, time to sew on the pearls.
"Conversation with a Mermaid" Embellished | 16"x20" |

I noticed right off the bat that my needle needed to be very thin to get through that small hole in the pearl!  And guess what?  Thin needle, small eye.  A VERY SMALL EYE!  To be honest, microscopic.  I marvel every time I actually get the blinkin' thing threaded. I think I probably get some divine intervention.  Then once threaded, I realized that the canvas needed to be very lightweight, otherwise if I wasn't careful I'd break that very thin needle.  And trust me, I still do!  HA!  Leading to multiple f-bombs!

But of course some magical things happened as well.
I was revisiting my beautiful paintings in a new way, looking at them with fresh eyes.
All at once the process felt like meditation.
 The act of sewing reminded me of time spent doing embroidery and needlework as a young girl growing up in the 60's in the Midwest.  It connected me to those first joyful sparks of creativity.

"Oshun" Embellished  | 20"x16" |

And when I decided to add Czech glass bugle beads as well for some sparkle, 
I was taken even further back in time, perhaps even to a former life.

I often think I lived in the 1920's, and as I sewed on the pearls and bugle beads, I suddenly felt a strong connection to the gorgeous beaded gowns and bags that I adore from that era.  All at once I was incorporating that beautiful look into my art!  It felt marvelous, so very familiar... so very right.

So of course now I'm hooked.  I love the fact that when I make a print of my mixed media art, I can then use the embellishing to transform it into a new form of mixed media!  It's so much fun!

And let's not forget, the Embellished Prints are the ultimate fusion of my Mermaids and Pearls.  I'm delighted that I can offer these unique, one of a kind derivatives of my original work...
Jewelry for your walls!

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!  Please remember that when it comes to art there are no rules.  I hope my work can inspire you in some way to step outside the box with your own creativity as well.  

With Love and Light,

P.S. And of course thanks and gratitude always to my beautiful friend for her truly inspired idea!